How biased is Facebook?

Phil Elmore covers site’s ongoing silencing of conservative voices.

A couple of years ago, Facebook threatened to shut down the popular “Chicks on the Right” Facebook page because the owners dared to criticize the White House press secretary, Jay Carney. Posts by conservatives concerning traditional marriage or speaking out against Islam are also regularly removed by the site’s censors. Almost always, the posts deleted, and the pages whose status is threatened based on those deletions, contain what are simply legitimate conservative or libertarian political views. The way the progressives at Facebook justify this ideological censorship is by saying the posts in question violate the site’s “community standards.” But when political correctness becomes the standard, any expression of conservative thought is redefined as “hate” or “harassment.” This is something the libs have long worked hard to achieve: marginalizing opposing thought as “hate” so that conservative voices can be silenced.

So, just how biased is Facebook? In a day and age when practically everyone has a Facebook page, and when Facebook is used to promote many businesses, losing access to this virtual public square can put both business owners and politically minded citizens at a disadvantage. Conservative and libertarian groups, pages and causes proliferate on Facebook, just as liberal and progressive interests do. But how often are conservatives put at a disadvantage on what is, based on Mark Zuckerberg’s politics, hostile territory? Does Facebook really harass conservative interests while promoting liberal ones?


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