Hillary: Chronic congenital liar by Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris list top 5 bogus Clinton claims.

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton testified all day before a bipartisan congressional committee about the brutal murders of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans during the Benghazi terrorist attack on the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11 in 2012. They were killed by Islamic terrorists at the diplomatic compound and CIA quarters in Libya while Hillary was secretary of state.

While politicians and pundits continue to claim Clinton’s successes or failures regarding her roughly 11 hours of testimony before Congress, I consulted various fact-check resources about her alleged truth-telling.

Below I’ve ranked my top five bogus Hillary claims from those watchdogs:

Hillary bogus statement No. 5: Clinton said that before the Benghazi terror attack, “There was a good back and forth about security,” in reference to communications between U.S. personnel in Libya and the State Department in Washington.

The facts: The independent Accountability Review Board that Hillary herself convened after the attack “deeply faulted State Department officials in Washington for poor communication and cooperation as diplomats in Libya pressed for more security and Benghazi grew more dangerous,” according to the AP.

They specifically referenced a “lack of transparency, responsiveness, and leadership at senior bureau levels,” and “shortfalls in Washington coordination” that led to a “woefully insufficient” security force in Libya. The Benghazi compound was “grossly inadequate to deal with the attack.”


Complete text linked here.

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