Police discover half-mile long drug tunnel running from Tijuana to San Diego

The massive tunnel was discovered in a Tijuana warehouse after authorities noticed “intense movement” of trucks entering and emerging from the building “apparently to deliver the drug for its transportation to the United States,” according to the San Diego Union Tribune.

Mexican officials say they discovered one of the longest and more sophisticated tunnels ever found on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The tunnel is 9 feet deep and 2,600 feet long – a distance of about half a mile. It was lit, ventilated and had steel beams to shore up the walls and prevent a collapse.

Stretching from Tijuana to San Diego, the tunnel’s purpose was to smuggle drugs into the U.S., authorities said.

Sixteen people were arrested and 10 tons of marijuana seized in connection to the tunnel.

The massive tunnel was discovered in a Tijuana warehouse after authorities noticed “intense movement” of trucks entering and emerging from the building “apparently to deliver the drug for its transportation to the United States,” according to the San Diego Union Tribune.

It was unclear whether any drugs got through the tunnel or if it had an exit yet in the U.S.

Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, declined to comment.

It was also unclear which drug trafficking organization began the engineering feat.


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