Åkesson: ‘Stay away, refugees, Sweden is full’

Sweden Democrat leader, Jimmie Åkesson, told Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Saturday that he wants a total ban on asylum immigration to Sweden. He also said that he wants Sweden to leave the European Union.

The far-right nationalist leader –– whose party last week launched an international campaign designed to warn refugees not to come to Sweden –– was speaking in an interview with the newspaper that also touched upon his long sick-leave absence from politics.

Åkesson returned to the fray from his extended sick leave in April, just before the catastrophic extent of the refugee crisis, the worst since World War Two, became fully evident.

“My message to these people is that Sweden can not take you. The absolute majority, if not all, of those seeking asylum in Sweden don’t have Sweden as their first safe country. They come from Germany and they come from Denmark. And they came to those countries from other countries.”

“At some time you have to cherish the principle of first asylum,” Åkesson continued.

“What we will do is to enable people to remain in the immediate area so that they can get their basic needs met there. It should not be particularly difficult to tell people that, unfortunately, you will not enter our country because it is full.”


Complete text linked here.

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