James Woods: Bernie Sanders an ‘Utter Moron’ for Praising China’s Maternity Leave Policy

Conservative bulldog and Hollywood actor James Woods called out Sen. Bernie Sanders as an “utter moron” Monday, after the self-described Democratic Socialist cited China’s paid maternity leave model as an argument for a proposed payroll tax.

Attempting to garner support for legislation to increase taxes on all U.S. citizens to fund paid maternity leave, Sanders wrote on Twitter Monday:

Woods did not take kindly to Sanders’ touting of Chinese policy, and reminded the 74-year-old of one of the country’s most draconian human rights practices; the mass slaughter of female infants, both before and after birth.

“China has notoriously killed female infants for population control, you utter moron,” wrote Woods, using the tag #ChinaGendercide.


Complete text linked here.

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