Ben Carson on Muslim backlash: Fix ‘P.C. culture’

‘Shariah law is completely antithetical’ to America.

Ben Carson said in a televised press conference from the Cincinnati suburb of Sharonville, Ohio, on Tuesday Sharia law is “completely antithetical” to America’s constitutional system, and those who have criticized him for expressing this view several times the past few days need to clean out their ears and drop the politically correct outrage.

“It seems to be hard for people to actually hear English and understand [what I said],” Carson said. “I said I would support anyone who would place the Constitution above their belief … [but] Shariah law is completely antithetical to Americans.”

Predictably perhaps, Carson faced a slew of questions from reporters about comments he first made over the weekend during a television interview, when he said he did not think a Muslim should be president of the United States. He dug down on those comments in subsequent interviews, saying clearly: “I do not believe Shariah is consistent with the Constitution of this country. Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution,” as WND reported.

From Ohio, he clarified once again: Yes, I still hold that view. He also slammed what he called the politically correct culture as fueling the furor over his views.


Complete text linked here.

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