Ben Carson: ‘The Whole Purpose’ of Planned Parenthood Is to ‘Eliminate Black People’

“You wonder if Obama actually knows the history of Planned Parenthood.”

Republican 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson recently asserted on a Des Moines, Iowa conservative radio show that the purpose behind Margaret Sanger’s founding of the abortion mill Planned Parenthood was to “eliminate black people.”

Carson was asked by a WHO Radio host to comment on an Obama speech from last year in which the president defended Planned Parenthood and even said “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.” Carson replied:

You wonder if he actually knows the history of Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger, who was trying to eliminate black people. That was the whole purpose of it.

Carson also responded to an audio clip of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton from 2009, when she was awarded the Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Award. In her acceptance speech, Clinton gave high praises to Sanger even though Sanger was known for advocating racist ideals. “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision,” Clinton stated. “I am really in awe of her.”


Complete text linked here.

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