Mother Whose Son Murdered by DREAMer Illegal Alien Breaks Down in Rally Speech

Laura Wilkerson, a Texan whose son Josh was murdered by an illegal alien who would have qualified for amnesty under a DREAM Act-like law, emotionally broke down and cried during her speech here at Jefferson Park in downtown Richmond on Monday night at the first stop of the “Stop Amnesty Tour.”

“My name is Laura Wilkerson,” she said. “My husband George and I live just outside Houston, Texas. We’ve been married 25 years and we’ve raised three children. Our youngest son, Joshua, was brutally murdered on Nov. 16, 2010, by a kid who was a classmate of him. We found out later he was from Belize, brought here illegally by his parents when he was about 10 years old. I’m just going to tell you the story. It’s sad story. If I cry, don’t let it bug you. It’s part of my daily routine at this point. I hope that it makes you mad, because I think Josh deserved to live if only because he was an American citizen.”

After Mrs. Wilkerson warned the audience of the likely coming outpouring of emotion, she trudged forward with the details about what happened to her son. “It was a typical Tuesday,” she said. “Joshua was in his senior year of high school and he was 18 years old. It was November and he would have graduated in May. He came in in the morning when I was getting ready for work and said ‘bye, Mom. I’m leaving to go to school.’ I said, ‘okay, I love you Josh. I’ll be home early today. I’ll be home around 1 o’clock.’ He said ‘I love you too, Mom.’ I said, ‘see ya.’ I stood there at the glass door and watched him get in his truck and he got to the end of the street and turn. I shut the door and went on and proceeded to get ready for work, never knowing it would be the last time I see him.”


Complete text linked here.

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