James Woods rips into ‘100% numbskull’ Martin O’Malley

After governor apologized for ‘white lives matter’ stance.

Hollywood star James Woods tore into Martin O’Malley, Democratic hopeful for president, saying the governor went beyond stupid when he backtracked before a “Black Lives Matter” crowd and apologized for saying white lives matter, too.

On Twitter, Woods put up a picture of a smiling O’Malley with the words “Just Kidding When I Said ‘All Lives Matter’” blasted across its borders.

And he tweeted above the photo: “Prime USDA Certified 100% Numbskull.”

In “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America,” Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson – a true black leader whom many affectionately call “the other Jesse” – shows how the civil rights establishment has made a lucrative career out of keeping racial strife alive in America.

His comments come on the heels of a speech O’Malley delivered at the recent liberal Netroots Nation conference which was disrupted by “Black Lives Matter” activists. The protesters demanded O’Malley and fellow Democratic Party presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders explain what they were going to do about the disenfranchisement blacks felt in their communities, especially from police.


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