Greece Hits The Bottom of the Socialist Death Spiral

The Journal faults the previous Greek administration for failing to properly implement “reforms to labor markets, business regulations, and a crackdown on corruption that would have promoted growth.” Funny how corruption is always the last thing to get cracked down upon when socialist governments go belly-up, isn’t it?

In the course of critiquing President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address, columnist George Will remarked: “Ignoring reality is part of the job description of being a progressive.” Greece’s new, far-left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras plans to ignore reality more than any other politician in recent memory.

Americans who haven’t been paying much attention to the collapse of Greek socialism have been missing a very instructive lesson in where their own country may be heading, for Greece is the end stage of Obama-style debt-fueled dependency politics. Tsipras’ sweeping electoral victory marks the point at which the Takers, weary of intellectual pretensions and empty promises to work hard and become self-sufficient, tell the Makers to stick ‘em up and hand over their wallets. It could happen in America, too, most likely beginning with demands for huge federal bailouts by bankrupt Democrat-run basket case state governments.


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