Coulter: Trump’s Immigration Position Hugely important for GOP, Rubio Can’t Beat Hillary Clinton

Ann Coulter’s pick to win the 2016 general election – out of the declared GOP presidential candidates – is Donald Trump.

Her pick created a reaction from the audience when she voiced her opinion on Bill Maher’s Real Time.

The audience laughed, but let Coulter explain her reasoning.

Romney-Walker is Coulter’s personalized favorite for 2016, but out of the declared GOP candidates, she said Trump is her pick to beat Hillary Clinton in the general election.

Maher’s panel reacted, with conservative writer Matt Lewis saying he thought Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) would be the best bet for the GOP to beat Clinton.

Coulter argued with him – and when he attempted to interrupt – she said, “still talking” and continued to explain to Lewis and the audience how Rubio isn’t a good pick for president due to his failed Gang of Eight bill that pushed a pathway to citizenship, which Coulter labeled as amnesty.


Complete text linked here.

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