‘Feminism Devouring Itself’: Professor Faces Title IX Charges After Criticizing Culture of Bringing Title IX Charges Willy-Nilly

(The article has proven so popular that, while it was published openly on Friday, the Chronicle has since moved it behind a paywall.)

Title IX was originally aimed at leveling the collegiate playing field between men’s and women’s athletic programs.

Now it’s expanding as a tool to silence professors for expressing ideas — even adamant feminist professors.

Laura Kipnis, a professor in the department of radio, television, and film at Northwestern University, detailed her experience with the bizarre, frightening world of Title IX legal challenges in a Friday Chronicle of Higher Education article titled, “My Title IX Inquisition.”


In the article, Kipnis lays out the reason Title IX charges were filed against her.

It wasn’t because she’d been accused of sexually harassing anybody personally.

It was because two female graduate students complained that an essay Kipnis had written was having a “chilling effect” on students’ ability to report sexual assault.

In the essay, Kipnis referenced the case of a different Northwestern professor who faced two sexual harassment investigations and who is now suing Northwestern and a student for defamation. Mentioning that lawsuit, according to the grad students, was Kipnis’ crime.


Complete text linked here.

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