Lindsay Lohan Is Carrying Around a Koran

This isn’t the first time Lohan has “dabbled” in religion. She was rumored to have taken Kabbalah classes and in 2012 she joined up with Courtney Love’s Buddhist group.

Lindsay Lohan was photographed carrying around a Koran after she finished her first day of community service in a Brooklyn children’s center. (She was two hours late to her community service gig.)

Lohan was sentenced to 125 hours of community service after a 2012 car crash in Los Angeles. She pled guilty to reckless driving and lying to the police. Lohan has until the end of this month to complete her sentence.

The actress – who is of Irish and Italian heritage and was raised as a Catholic – held a hard copy of the Muslim holy book in her arm as she finished a day of office work at a children’s center. She reportedly arrived two hours late.

It comes as the 28-year-old embarks on an ’emotional detox’, giving up alcohol and dating.


During an interview with Oprah, Lohan described herself as very spiritual. “I’m a very spiritual person and I’ve become more spiritual as time has gone on,” she told Oprah.

“I’m really in touch, whether it’s prayer or meditation… there are so many powers greater than me in the world. I’ve been blessed and lucky enough to have been given a gift to share with other people.”


Complete text linked here.

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