Jade Helm 15, Crime Stoppers and KSK by Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris reminds Americans to never check brains at government’s door.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Distrust and caution are the parents of security.” He also said, “Security without liberty is called prison.” Both apply to what I want to share with you today in my culture warrior column.

Last Friday evening in Houston, my wife, Gena, and I were overjoyed to host the 22nd annual gala for our foundation, KICKSTART KIDS, or KSK, which seeks to build character through karate in students in Texas public middle schools. We were equally honored to have as our special guests at the event Texas Gov. and Mrs. Gregg Abbott and Marcus Luttrell, a former United States Navy SEAL who received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart for his actions in June 2005 facing Taliban fighters during Operation Redwing. It was an amazing night and gala!

On behalf of KICKSTART KIDS, we are doubly blessed this May also to be receiving the 2015 Safe School Crime Stoppers Award, an award given to any individual or group that has made a significant contribution towards keeping schools safe and enhancing education. What an honor it is, too!

Speaking of awesome patriotic fighting machines, Crime Stoppers USA is the national Crime Stoppers organization that spans the United States to create a network of local programs that work together to prevent and solve crimes in communities and schools across the nation, as its official website explains.


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