Pat Buchanan: Baltimore needs ‘decisive force’

Legendary commentator blasts those who excuse violence.

The mainstream media are filled with quotes from officials and others offering excuses for lawlessness and violence in the city of Baltimore. But conservative activist, television pundit and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has a simple response.

No excuses.

In an exclusive interview with WND, the author of numerous bestsellers including “The Death of the West” and “Suicide of a Superpower” took aim at journalists trying to explain away the savagery.

“The arson, looting, vandalism and violence that have ravaged Baltimore should have been met days ago with superior and decisive force. There is no justification, no rationale, no excuse for what has been going on in the streets of Baltimore. None,” he said.

In contrast to Buchanan’s views, Salon published an article headline “Baltimore’s violent protesters are right: Smashing police cars is a legitimate political strategy.” The website also promoted the article with a Tweet endorsing the destruction of private property, featuring a burning police car.


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