Don’t be a thug: My 8 rules for success by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent counters ‘our embarrassing president’s’ social-justice rhetoric.

Social justice? Level playing field? Equal opportunity? Income inequality? Everyone should play by the same rules?

Cue the cheeky cherubs breaking through the pillowy clouds blowing sweet trumpet music in the heavenly skies.

Our embarrassing president and all the cult-of-denial goons that chant the above nonsense have clearly lost all sense of reason, logic, common sense and honesty, not to mention a basic grasp of human history.

Here’s how it works, Mr. President and all you fundamental-transformation, social-engineering America haters.

There is no social justice, and there will never be any social justice. All one has to do is honestly look at every society that has ever tried this fantasy-driven commie manipulation and criminal propaganda scam to see the human tragedy that occurs in every instance. Cuba and Russia are festering examples of power down “social justice” where incentive and work ethic have been destroyed while the bloodsuckers stand in line for their monthly bread rations.

No thank you.

And the concept of a level playing field and equal opportunity has to be the ugliest scam on Obama’s master list of brainwashing scams.


Complete text linked here.

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