Report: Obama Admin Urging Illegals to Join Labor Unions to Avoid Deportation?

Big Labor groups like the AFL-CIO have vocally supported comprehensive amnesty legislation, even though the Congressional Budget Office determined that such legislation would lower the wages of American workers, hoping that an amnesty bill will swell their diminishing ranks.

The Obama administration may be instructing illegal immigrants to join labor unions to shield themselves from deportation.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has reportedly entered into agreements with nations like Mexico, Ecuador, and the Philippines to educate foreign workers about their rights regarding union activity, according to a Fox News report.

But because those “agreements reportedly don’t distinguish between illegal and legal immigrants,” they may actually help potential illegal immigrants shield themselves from deportation by engaging in union activities.

An NLRB spokeswoman told Fox News that under the National Labor Relations Act, “employees, whether documented or undocumented, are protected from retaliation due to union or other protected concerted activity,” which “means employers could be charged for dismissing an illegal immigrant worker – if the firing is determined to be tied to the worker’s union activity.”


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