Hell hath frozen over: I agree with Eric Holder by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent targets ‘lost generation of damn punks who infest our inner cities’.

Well what do you know? Hell hath frozen over and we eagerly await a squadron of monkeys flying from my butt: Our gun-running attorney general, Eric Holder, and I agree on something.

Regarding the shooting of the two Ferguson, Missouri, police officers by a rabid punk, Mr. Holder stated, “This was a damn punk, a punk, who was trying to sow discord.”

Well, there you have it. I concur wholeheartedly with Mr. Holder.

It was comforting to know that this time Mr. Holder and his boss did not blame the shooting on green-tipped bullets, my arsenal of deer rifles, the supposed easy access to guns, so-called lax gun laws, or the National Rifle Association – at least not yet.

In what is surely a blinding flash of the obvious to the overwhelming majority of us but not to our attorney general, all violent crime is committed by punks. Whether it’s shooting the good guys in blue or shooting each other, it’s violent punks who are to blame for the engineered warfare by free-ranging punks on the mean streets of urban America.

The bullet-proof truth is that nearly all of the violence across America is located in certain sections of our inner cities. These areas aren’t America the beautiful but rather America the painfully ugly due to gangs of violent punks turned loose over and over again by a failed so-called “justice system” and Holder’s so called “Department of Justice.”


Complete text linked here.

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