Monthly Archives: February 2015

Hanging Rudy out to dry by Pat Buchanan

GOP response to remark shows which side is winning culture war.

Back in 1987, this writer was invited by friends to advise them on a press conference they had called to oppose President Reagan’s signing of an INF treaty to remove all nuclear missiles from Europe.

My advice: Deplore the treaty; do not attack the president.

The next day, Howard Phillips declared that Ronald Reagan had become a “useful idiot for Soviet propaganda.”

Howie captured the headlines, as did Rudy Giuliani after that dinner at 21 Club for Gov. Scott Walker, where the mayor spontaneously rose to declaim, “I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. … He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of his country.”

The next day, Rudy doubled down, bringing up Obama’s old ties to socialists and communists: Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis, radical Saul Alinsky, 1970s bomber Bill Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Rudy could not understand why at the National Prayer Breakfast the president launched an attack on the Crusades and the Inquisition, done “in the name of Christ.” The mayor could not understand why Obama had trouble identifying and naming ISIS as radical Islamic terrorists.


Complete text linked here.

Mexico complains about remarks attributed to Pope over drug image

“Hopefully we’re in time to avoid the Mexicanization. I was talking to some Mexican bishops and it’s a terrible situation,” the organization quoted the pontiff as saying in a message sent to Gustavo Vera, the head of La Alameda.

Mexico said on Monday it would send a letter to the Vatican to complain about remarks attributed to Pope Francis about the risk of Argentina suffering a criminal “Mexicanization” due to the spread of drug gangs there.

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade said his government had expressed concern that the country was being “stigmatized” as a land of drug traffickers in an email attributed to Francis published in Argentina over the weekend.

“We had a meeting with the (papal) nuncio and we will indeed send a note, and what worries us is that the drug trafficking challenge is a shared challenge. It’s a challenge that Mexico is undertaking massive efforts on,” Meade said in Mexico City.

Published by Argentine human rights group La Alameda, the email showed the Argentine-born Pope making apparent reference to the risk of Mexican-style drug violence reaching Argentina.


Complete text linked here.

Hollywood Actress: ‘American Sniper’ Was Snubbed Because of Clint Eastwood’s Speech at RNC (Video)

Brian Kilmeade: Was Clint Eastwood the problem with American Sniper” do you think because he was at the RNC talking to the chair? Stacey Dash: Probably. I would say probably. Which is so sad. It’s Clint Eastwood. And that film was the most beautiful film I’ve seen in a very long time.

Actress Stacey Dash says Hollywood snubbed the smash hit “American Sniper” at the Oscars because of Clint Eastwood’s speech at the RNC.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: How pervasive are politics in Hollywood right where we can’t even watch the Oscars? Everybody has their freedom of speech but you would think there would be some who feel a different way now. Are there some being silenced?

Stacey Dash: Oh yeah, being silenced. And I think they are so chummy with this administration. They love it so much…


Complete text linked here.

Australian Prime Minister Announces Tough New Citizenship Laws to Fight Terrorism

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced plans to tighten citizenship laws to tackle home-grown extremism. Mr Abbott said that dual nationals could have their Australian citizenship suspended or even permanently revoked if they are found to be involved in terrorism.

Citizens born in Australia could also lose certain privileges if they break anti-terror laws, such as restricting their ability to leave the country, access consular services and receive state benefits.

In a speech at the federal police headquarters in Canberra, Mr Abbott said: “It has long been the case that people who fight against Australia forfeit their citizenship. So Australians who take up arms with terrorist groups, especially while Australian military personnel are engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq, have sided against our country. And should be treated accordingly.”

Reuters reports that Mr Abbott also said that many Australians currently fighting with Islamic State were receiving state handouts, adding that these payments to “individuals assessed to be a threat to security” will soon be cancelled.


Complete text linked here.

Trump on the Oscars: ‘Great Night for Mexico’ (Video)

“Well, it was a great night for Mexico as usual. This country — the whole thing is ridiculous. It was a great night, and very unexpected, it was a great for Mexico. This guy kept getting up and up and up. I said, you know — what’s he doing? He’s walking away with all the gold? Was it that good? I don’t hear that. But it was certainly a big night for them.”

On Monday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel, real estate mogul Donald Trump reacted to the night before’s Academy Awards, specifically Best Picture winner “Birdman” director Alejandro Iñárritu statement on immigration during his acceptance speech.

Video linked here at original source.

Complete Classic Movie: The Dude Ranger (1934)

Stars: George O’Brien, Irene Hervey, LeRoy Mason. An Easterner inherits a cattle ranch, only to discover that thousands of cattle have been stolen. He secretly signs on as a hired hand at his own ranch to discover who’s stealing them.

Annie Get Your Gun – Trailer

“The magic is as wide as a smile and as narrow as a wink, loud as laughter and quiet as a tear, tall as a tale and deep as emotion. So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that begins the happily ever after.” – Unknown

Country Til I Die – John Anderson

“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.” William Shakespeare

Listen to what our ancestors’ language sounded like 6,000 years ago

Linguists have recently reconstructed what a 6,000 year-old-language called Proto-Indo-European might have sounded like. This language was the forerunner of many European and Asian languages, and now you can listen to what it may have sounded like.

Over at Archaeology magazine, Kentucky linguist Andrew Byrd does a dramatic reading of a story written using only the vocabulary we are certain existed 6,000 years ago. Eric Powell explains:

Proto-Indo-European (PIE) was spoken by a people who lived from roughly 4500 to 2500 B.C., and left no written texts. The question became, what did PIE sound like? In 1868, German linguist August Schleicher used reconstructed Proto-Indo-European vocabulary to create a fable in order to hear some approximation of PIE. Called “The Sheep and the Horses” . . . As linguists have continued to discover more about PIE, this sonic experiment continues and the fable is periodically updated to reflect the most current understanding of how this extinct language would have sounded when it was spoken some six thousand years ago. Since there is considerable disagreement among scholars about PIE, no one version can be considered definitive.


Complete text linked here.

Complete Classic Movie: Grace of Monaco (2014)

Stars: Nicole Kidman, Tim Roth, André Penvern. The story of former Hollywood star Grace Kelly’s crisis of marriage and identity, during a political dispute between Monaco’s Prince Rainier III and France’s Charles De Gaulle, and a looming French invasion of Monaco in the early 1960s.