Monthly Archives: February 2015

California Public School Promotes ‘White Space’ to ‘Unlearn Racism’

In a state where leftists use the public schools to promote their socialist ideology with impunity, imagine my surprise when a teacher handed out a flyer promoting racism.

A parent of a high schooler sent me the following flyer that was handed out in one of her son’s classes at El Camino Real High School in Woodland Hills, California.

I had no idea that it was acceptable in public high schools in California to promote the idea that an entire race of people are racist simply based on the color of their skin.

But there it is—in black and white (no pun intended):

The handwritten annotation is by the parent of the boy who received the flyer. The text reads:

Why A White Space?

For many, it sounds contradictory: Isn’t it racist if just white people get together? Isn’t that segregation? The following are our reasons for meeting as a white anti-racist affinity group:

1. People of color shouldn’t always have to be the ones to educate white people about racism and oppression. We are taking responsibility for learning about our own white privilege and how to challenge it as white people.
2. In order to challenge racism and dismantle white supremacy, white people need to unlearn racism and discover the ways we enact white privilege.


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Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly assails GOP establishment for trying to coronate Jeb Bush (Video)

In her update, Mrs. Schlafly — founder of the Eagle Forum — argues that her party too often picks losers as candidates because of a stranglehold by the political consultant-big business-Wall Street crowd, which she argues makes a bundle from championing moderates over conservatives.

Phyllis Schlafly has long argued that the American conservative movement’s purpose is to influence, not echo, the Republican Party.

And still going strong at age 90, Mrs. Schlafly wants to influence the GOP anew by warning against letting the party’s “kingmakers” — the Wall Street elite and political consultant class — turn the 2016 presidential nomination contest into a coronation of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Mincing no words, Mrs. Schlafly makes her case in a 2015 update to her landmark book from a half-century ago titled “A Choice Not an Echo,” which, in 1964, became the motto of Barry Goldwater’s grass-roots movement.


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Accused Chris Kyle Killer Receives Verdict

Kyle and Littlefield were murdered on Feb. 2, 2013, when the took Routh, also a veteran, to a gun range trying to help him with his post-traumatic stress. Routh shot Kyle and Littlefield in the back and head.

Eddie Ray Routh, 27, was found guilty of capital murder by a Texas jury in the murder of former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield.

It took the jury only two hours to reach a unanimous verdict. Routh was immediately sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Kyle rose to fame as the most lethal sniper in American history with more than 160 confirmed kills. His autobiography, “American Sniper,” was made into the highest grossing war movie in history by director Clint Eastwood.


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Shooting War: World War II Combat Cameramen (Documentary)

From writer, producer, director Richard Schickel and executive producer Steven Spielberg comes a remarkable film that takes a special look at the first war to be truly reported and recorded by one of the more unsung heroes of World War II: the combat photographer. Through the unflinching eye of their camera’s lenses, these courageous soldiers continually risked their lives in their brave attempts to capture history.

‘If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Shoot ‘Em’: Gutfeld Blasts ‘Gun-Free Zones’ (Video)

Gutfeld added that a massacre’s duration is dictated by the time it takes for bullets to start flying in the opposite direction.

On “The Five” tonight, Greg Gutfeld slammed the notion of “gun-free zones.”

“Somali terrorists have threatened America’s biggest mall – a threat that reveals an obvious truth,” Gutfeld stated. “That the phrase ‘gun-free zone’ is liberal for ‘sitting duck.'”

He said that “gun-free” is music to the ears of bad guys, who intentionally target the unarmed.

Gutfeld pointed out that the “soldier readiness processing center” at Ft. Hood was gun-free at the time of the attack, and the shooting only ended when Nidal Hissan himself was shot.


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Obama power grab triggers 1st Amendment nightmare

Judge Napolitano: ‘People don’t know the danger that is coming.’

Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says the Obama administration’s efforts to regulate the Internet constitute a major infringement upon freedom of speech, but he believes the new plan will get struck down in court for lack of transparency.

The five members of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, are scheduled to vote Thursday on a plan to advance Obama’s net neutrality agenda, which also allegedly calls for the Internet to be treated like a utility. Despite the major changes the plan could well involve, lawmakers and the media have been rather quiet about it.

“People don’t know the danger that is coming,” Napolitano said. “The danger that is coming is a gaggle of bureaucrats here – three Democrats and two Republicans, the Republicans will probably dissent – claiming they have the power to regulate the Internet.”

He said Congress has passed no statute authorizing new government controls on the Internet, and the First Amendment clearly states that neither Congress nor any government agency it created can make a law restricting the freedom of speech.


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The Islamic State (Video)

The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.

Ben Carson: I’m Running as Republican, You Have To Run as Something (Video)

Carson said, “I was a rabid, left-wing Democrat. I’m running as a Republican because you have to run as something.”

Monday in an interview with CBS Baltimore (WJZ), retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson said it was his years in medicine that changed him from a “rabid, left-wing Democrat,” to a conservative.

Carson explained, “I was seeing all these people coming into the clinic and they were all people who were on government assistance and they were perfectly able-bodied people.”


Complete text and video linked here.

Don’t call him grandpa! Kid Rock wants to be known as a ‘grandrebel’ instead

“It keeps my redneck street credentials intact,” he joked, before launching into his new song, “First Kiss.”

Kid Rock loves to do the unexpected; he’s always been a musician who lives on the edge. But he’s living on a whole new kind of edge these days, as he discussed on TODAY Tuesday: He’s now a grandpa.


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“First Kiss” is the title track from Rock’s 10th studio album, the flavor of which he said is “Americana” and “blues-based rock ‘n’ roll.”

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Watch Mark Cuban’s Surgical Takedown of Net Neutrality — And Why He Says Everyone Should ‘Hack Themselves’

“… if there’s no priority for television and it’s just part of the open Internet and delivery, your traditional television, watching the evening news, it’s over.”

Billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has stood firmly against net neutrality, and presented a surgical takedown of the proposal on The Glenn Beck Program Tuesday.

“What it comes down to is, the net has worked,” Cuban said. “We’re not in an industry where the technology has become stagnant and there’s no more enhancements so we need regulation to try to make things happen. We’re not there. And so as long as the technology is allowed to advance, we’re OK.”

Cuban said the uncertainty and legal challenges of having the government regulate the Internet will be enormous, and predicted that it will slow down innovation. He also said there are many unexpected issues that will arise from such an enormous change.

“If net neutrality is taken to its logical extension … if there’s no priority for television and it’s just part of the open Internet and delivery, your traditional television, watching the evening news, it’s over,” Cuban said. “If there is no such thing as a prioritized bit, then all that digital television going through the same pipe, all those voters who like to get Fox News or MSNBC, they’re going to freak out because you’re going to have to go to their website to get it or you’re going to have to get a special box that identifies the channels and brings it to you.”


Complete text and video linked here.