Cuccinelli rips Republicans: ‘They don’t have any backbone!’

‘Can you point me to one time they’ve fought? No, you can’t.’

Senate Conservatives Fund President Ken Cuccinelli calls Senate Republicans’ decision to push Homeland Security funding that includes money for President Obama’s amnesty a “total surrender” that proves GOP leaders “really don’t have any backbone.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., decided earlier in the week to stop pushing a Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, appropriations bill that strictly forbids funding for Obama administration executive action on immigration in 2012 and 2014. With Democrats blocking debate, McConnell agreed to bring a “clean” bill forward in exchange for Democrat promises to vote on a separate bill to defund Obama’s unilateral November action to legalize five million people in the country illegally. The latter bill has virtually no chance of passing.

So is this an example of Republicans letting Obama get away with an unconstitutional act, or was it the only realistic way to keep Homeland Security efforts funded?

“Oh, it’s an absolute surrender, and surrender is the primary word that we have been able to associate with the Republican leadership since Election Day,” Cuccinelli told WND. “Can you point me to one time they have fought? No, you can’t. What did they run on? Fighting. Well, if they had run on what they have been doing just in the last few months, there wouldn’t be Republican majorities in the House or Senate.”


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