Unbelievable: Students Are Getting Bonus SAT Points For Being Black Or Hispanic

What we are witnessing here is the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” Universities are basically assuming that these students (namely blacks and Hispanics) are too intellectually inferior to compete with their Asian counterparts. Why else would they hand out or rescind points based on such utterly irrelevant factors!?

Reporting by the LA Times reveals that blacks and Hispanics receive bonus points on their SATs, while Asians instead get penalized points:

[The] next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant’s race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, [Anna] Lee says.

She points to the second column.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.


Complete text linked here.

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