The Left’s War on White America

“Lying to the American people comes easy to the left. The Left considers the sabotage of national race relations acceptable collateral damage to recruit minority voters.”

Folks, I pray that what I am about to say will help open your eyes to the evil coming from the Left in our country (the Democratic Party, Hollywood, and the mainstream media). When you start teaching innocent little children to feel guilty for being born white, it can only be described as a war on white America.

I am black and very pleased with who God made me to be. Imagine the Left’s reaction to a white person saying they are grateful for God’s choice for their life. According to the Left, everyone (gays and minorities) are encouraged to be proud of who they are except white people.

I brought this up at dinner with white friends. I wonder how white America is dealing with the Left relentlessly trashing all things white? When will it reach a tipping point? My friends laughed, “Oh my gosh, Lloyd is becoming David Duke (white nationalist, former Grand Wizard of the KKK).” My friends were having a little fun with me. But one does have to wonder when whites begin saying, “Enough!”


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