For Death by ISIS You Have to Go Out; Illegal Aliens Deliver! by Ann Coulter

ISIS has killed four Americans — in Syria. We’re not exactly talking about another 9/11. Here’s a tip: If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. Meanwhile, illegal aliens have killed, raped and maimed thousands of Americans — in America. If you don’t want to be killed, raped or maimed by illegal immigrants in your own country, I have no tips for you. There’s nothing you can do. You’re on your own. Good luck.

You can always tell the media are hiding something when they obsessively focus on Muslim atrocities someplace else in the world. Cable TV could cover Muslim atrocities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from 632 A.D. to the end of time, without repeating themselves.

For at least a year after 9/11, I used to turn on the TV, and if I saw a “Survivor” contestant, I’d think, “Good. No news.” These days, I turn on the TV, and if I see former U.N. ambassador John Bolton, I think, “Good. No news.”

By now, the public knows more about ISIS than they know about the Kardashians. But it has no idea that the very same Senate Democrats who claimed to oppose Obama’s amnesty when they were campaigning are currently filibustering a bill to defund it, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready to cave.


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