Australian Prime Minister Announces Tough New Citizenship Laws to Fight Terrorism

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced plans to tighten citizenship laws to tackle home-grown extremism. Mr Abbott said that dual nationals could have their Australian citizenship suspended or even permanently revoked if they are found to be involved in terrorism.

Citizens born in Australia could also lose certain privileges if they break anti-terror laws, such as restricting their ability to leave the country, access consular services and receive state benefits.

In a speech at the federal police headquarters in Canberra, Mr Abbott said: “It has long been the case that people who fight against Australia forfeit their citizenship. So Australians who take up arms with terrorist groups, especially while Australian military personnel are engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq, have sided against our country. And should be treated accordingly.”

Reuters reports that Mr Abbott also said that many Australians currently fighting with Islamic State were receiving state handouts, adding that these payments to “individuals assessed to be a threat to security” will soon be cancelled.


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