David Axelrod busted on lie about his father’s Communist Party membership

The problem is that Axelrod has been lying about it. He was, in fact a “red diaper baby,” raised by a Communist to achieve the goals of the Party. Charles C. Johnson, in an exclusive report, provides both the evidence of Axelrod Senior’s membership, and of Axelrod Junior’s lies:

David Axelrod was a hugely consequential figure in the rise of Barack Obama, and he has been caught in a big lie. A former Chicago Tribune reporter, political consultant Axelrod latched onto Barack Obama as an ideal vehicle for a stratospheric political rise to power, and as his campaign “brain” accomplished that goal better than he could have hoped.

Axelrod had already known Obama a decade when he began working for him in 2002, as the backbencher in the Illinois State Senate mapped out his campaign for Senator in 2004. A seat in the United States Senate would position Obama for national power, but it was far from a given that Obama would win, until something rather miraculous happened. The GOP had an attractive and wealthy candidate in Jack Ryan, a man able to self-finance his campaign. But in a highly coincidental move, Axelrod’s old colleagues at the Chicago Tribune somehow persuaded a California court to open the confidential divorce records of Ryan, which contained salacious accusations of his wife, made as part of the divorce proceedings. As the Tribune itself anticipated, the disclosure was devastating, and Ryan withdrew and was replaced by a weak candidate, Alan Keyes, who went down to a big defeat, elevating Obama to the national stage.


Complete text linked here.

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