NYPD officers ‘deserved it’? by John Rocker

John Rocker applies ‘ideas have consequences’ notion to killing of cops.

What happened on Dec. 20, 2014, is the logical outcome of multiple years of vitriol – almost entirely based on an incomplete and incorrect understanding of events – digested by a community ready to blame anyone or anything for their failures except themselves.

From the divisive language of President Obama, dating back to his “If I had a son …” remark regarding Trayvon Martin, to the media-driven narrative of cops targeting black youth (Ferguson), the actions by 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley were tragically predictable.

It was a week ago social justice marchers in New York City – carrying signs bearing egregiously erroneous messages like “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” – chanted “What do we want? Dead cops” – a common chant among those who have disrupted Christmas shoppers at malls across America.

Sure, it’s fun for social justice marchers to go out with their friends and take a few selfies for their Instagram or Facebook account, showing off to their digital comrades how sensitive they are to the media-driven issue of the day; but what most people participating in these #BlackLivesMatter marches across the country don’t understand is the deep level of hatred many of their fellow crusaders have toward the police, who they truly believe executed both Michael Brown and Eric Garner in cold blood.


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