Geert Wilders on race hate charge over anti-Moroccan chant

Anti-Moroccan chant led by Party for Freedom leader in cafe in The Hague was broadcast nationally and sparked police complaints.

Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders will be prosecuted in the Netherlands for alleged discrimination and inciting hatred against Moroccans during election campaigning in March, prosecutors said on Thursday.

The charges stem from an incident in The Hague, when Wilders led an anti-Moroccan chant in a cafe, which was broadcast nationally and prompted 6,400 complaints to the police.

Wilders asked supporters if they wanted more or fewer Moroccans in their city, triggering the chant: “Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!.” A smiling Wilders responded: “We’ll take care of that.”

In a later TV interview, he referred to “Moroccan scum”.

The prosecution statement on Thursday said Wilders, whose Party for Freedom (PVV) tops the opinion polls in the Netherlands, will face charges of “insulting a specific group based on race and inciting discrimination and hatred”.

Politicians may go far in their comments under the right to free speech, prosecutors said, but “that freedom is limited by the prohibition of discrimination”.


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