PBS Poll: Opposition To Gun Control Stands at 95 Percent

PBS Newshour ran a gun control poll on their homepage and the found that over “95 percent” of respondents opposed “more restrictive gun laws” on Sunday.

They introduced the question about gun control by pointing out that “it has been two years since the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary school, and the state of Connecticut now has some of the most restrictive gun policies in the country.” They indicated that Senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) gun control failed to pass at the federal level in April 2013 and asked if PBS listeners would like to see their states follow the same path as Connecticut and pass more gun control.

The exact wording of the question was: “Would you support more restrictions on guns in your state?”

The response: 95.16 percent said no while 3.75 percent said yes. One percent of respondents said they weren’t sure.

Original source.

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