Masters of Deceptive Persuasion by Chuck Norris

“I believe that Obama deserves an Oscar for his role as “Master of Deceptive Persuasion”.

Democrats are the masters of deceptive persuasion, meaning they will take our attention off something they have really screwed up and put it on something that’s not quite so bad. And chief among those masters is he who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C.

For example, let’s look at the bumbling idiot Jonathan Gruber, who has repeatedly said that the key for passing Obamacare was the stupidity of the American people.

When Gruber was called before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to explain himself, he ducked and weaved questions, to the point that even Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., couldn’t take it anymore. He told Gruber he had just handed the Republicans “a public relations gift.”

I was shocked when Cummings said that, because he was more concerned about the production of a Democratic nightmare than he was about getting at the truth of what Gruber had said. That is politics at its very lowest!

So what did the Democrats do to take the people’s mind off this PR nightmare? (I can just see the White House and leading Democrats desperately trying to come up with something to distract the American people. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall as the panicked Democrats tried to find a solution!)

Voila! Let’s release the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report about how the CIA misled Congress and was illegally torturing detainees in the war on terror on the very same day as Gruber’s congressional grilling!


Complete text linked here.

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