Monthly Archives: November 2014

Morici: Whites Face a Government Working Against Their Interests and Their Children’s

President Obama’s decision to ignore the law by granting de facto amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants brought to America as children and those who are parents of children with legal status was a terribly foolish act. It will only serve to exacerbate racial tensions.

Polls indicate the overwhelming majority of whites view illegal immigration as threatening. Many see immigrants as taking jobs from native-born Americans, pushing down wages and contributing to cultural decline.

While many may silently harbor racial bigotry, the adverse economic consequences for whites are real and palpable.

Illegal immigration increases the supply of low-skilled workers, and that drives down wages for less educated whites and African-Americans.

Millions of illegals will qualify for work permits and be able to take more visible, better-paying jobs. Native born Americans will face more competition for positions paying significantly above the federal minimum. For example, those paying between the averages for the hospitality and construction industries—$17 and $25 per hour, respectively.

Exacerbating racial tensions among highly skilled professionals, elite universities, reflecting years of pressure from the Department of Education, divide admissions along informal racial quotas, and that disadvantages white applicants.


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Farrakhan On Ferguson: ‘We’ll Tear This G**damn Country Up!’ (Video)

“In this book, there’s a law for retaliation,” he said, while holding up what appeared to be the NOI version of the Koran, and repeated, “A law for retaliation.”

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!”

Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”

“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.

He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.


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Pamunkey tribe under scrutiny for past interracial marriage ban

Several members of the Congressional Black Caucus are urging the Obama administration to withhold federal recognition of a Virginia Indian tribe because of its history of banning intermarriage with blacks…

Earlier this year the Interior Department fielded a request to recognize the Pamunkey tribe of Virginia, a proposal which will eventually be decided by Obama’s Interior Secretary. This would not only give the members access to the usual benefits received from Washington and the complicated relationship with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, but also allow them to get moving on putting up a casino on their land. However the Congressional Black Caucus and other Democrats are fighting the move due to allegations that the tribe has a history of discriminatory practices.

Several members of the Congressional Black Caucus are urging the Obama administration to withhold federal recognition of a Virginia Indian tribe because of its history of banning intermarriage with blacks…

The Congressional Black Caucus members urged Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Attorney General Eric Holder to hold off until the Justice Department investigates any discriminatory practices by the tribe. Neither department has responded to the request, made in a Sept. 23 letter, according to a spokeswoman for Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson, who signed the letter.

The letter cited a report by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs that quoted tribal law: “No member of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe shall intermarry with anny (sic) Nation except White or Indian under penalty of forfeiting their rights in Town.”


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Black Self-Sabotage by Walter E. Williams

Disgustingly, black politicians, civil rights leaders, liberals and the president are talking nonsense about “having a conversation about race.” That’s beyond useless. Tell me how a conversation with white people is going to stop black predators from preying on blacks. How is such a conversation going to eliminate the 75 percent illegitimacy rate? What will such a conversation do about the breakdown of the black family (though “breakdown” is not the correct word, as the family doesn’t form in the first place)? Only black people can solve our problems.

If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn’t develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let’s look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don’t blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today’s weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.


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‘Kelly File’ special: Who is teaching our kids? (Video)

“There’s universities all over the country that are in the market for Ward Churchill’s thoughts.” Ward Churchill

Complete Classic Movie: Cat’s Eye (1985)

Stars: Drew Barrymore, James Woods, Alan King. A stray cat is the linking element of three tales of suspense and horror.

Click here to watch Cat’s Eye.

Run Silent Run Deep – Trailer

“The magic is as wide as a smile and as narrow as a wink, loud as laughter and quiet as a tear, tall as a tale and deep as emotion. So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that begins the happily ever after.” – Unknown

Loretta Lynn & Jack White – Portland, Oregon

“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.” William Shakespeare

Complete Classic Movie: The Secret of Nikola Tesla (1980)

Stars: Petar Bozovic, Orson Welles, Oja Kodar. Life and times of Nikola Tesla, famous scientist whose inventions were stolen, but whose greatest contribution to mankind remain a mystery to this day.

Sweden: 500 asylum seekers to a city with 250 inhabitants

Eva-May Karlsson is the municipal commissioner in Vindeln and says that of course it’s good that they can help to accommodate as many as possible, but that it also can mean a large amount of children that will put pressure on child care and school – which she think is “a big challenge”

Little Hällnäs has about 250 inhabitants. Here they want to house 500 asylum seekers in the old sanatorium. “A big challenge,” according to the municipal commissioner.

Recently it was in Svenshögen with 400 inhabitants Bert Karlsson (former politician, now Sweden’s asylum king) wanted to house 200 asylum seekers, which caused concern among the neighbors, and now he wants to triple Hällnäs’ population in one blow.

Most of the facilities are deprived of water damage. Although fire protection authority has highlighted several problems. However, renovating for millions is no problem for Karlsson as his asylum business turnover is one billion SEK.


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