Actress Janine Turner stands up for Constitution

Refuses to ‘sit in a corner and keep my mouth shut’ any longer!

Award-winning actress Janine Turner has overcome daunting battles: alcoholism, single motherhood, a failed engagement to notorious Hollywood liberal Alec Baldwin and the scorn of the entertainment industry when she backed McCain/Palin in the 2008 presidential election, to name a few.

But now the former star of TV’s “Northern Exposure” is fighting a new battle: An effort to save America’s republican way of government by educating its citizens about the wisdom and critical need for the U.S. Constitution.

In an exclusive interview, Turner, author of “A Little Bit Vulnerable: On Hollywood, God, Sobriety & Politics,” told WND she’s been passionate about American government since childhood.

“When I was in third grade, I looked up at my father, who was a West Pointer, one of the first to fly twice the speed of sound in the 1950s,” Turner recalled. “We talked politics a lot, and I looked up at 8 years old and asked my father, ‘If our Founding Fathers were to come back today, what would they be most disappointed about?’ What kind of 8-year-old asks that question?”


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