Look Who’s Arriving on the NAFTA Train by Phyllis Schlafly

How were these desperately poor people able to travel the distance of more than a thousand miles from their homes in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to the U.S. border? The answer, apparently, is that they were allowed to hitch a ride on the NAFTA train that is owned and operated by an American company traded on the New York Stock Exchange, Kansas City Southern Rail Network.

Do you remember when President George W. Bush, in 2005, held a summit meeting with the “three amigos” to promote the free movement of people and goods across our borders with Canada and Mexico? The Council on Foreign Relations then spoke of “building a North American community” with a common “security perimeter” and “labor mobility” among our three countries.

Texas planned to build a massive North American Free Trade Agreement superhighway that would begin at its southern border with Mexico and eventually reach northern U.S. cities. The Kansas City Southern Railway bought a Mexican railroad and began branding it as the NAFTA railroad, with the goal of carrying Chinese products from Mexico’s Pacific Port of Lazaro Cardenas all the way to Kansas City, Missouri.

The prospect of an economic union with Mexico, which could eventually become a North American Union modeled on the European Union, rightly alarmed many Americans. Texas Gov. Rick Perry was forced to abandon his NAFTA superhighway, and President Barack Obama quietly removed Bush’s Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America from the White House website.

But the NAFTA railroad, now called the Kansas City Southern de Mexico, is up and running. Thanks to the exclusive reporting of Dr. Jerome Corsi at WorldNetDaily, we learn that this train is now playing a major role in bringing tens of thousands of young Central American immigrants into our country illegally.


Complete text linked here.

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