Dave Brat: Amnesty Biggest Issue That Divides Wall Street from Main Street

After calling his shocking victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) a “miracle” that he attributed to God, Dave Brat said voters are fed up with a Washington that cares more about Wall Street than Main Street.

Cantor was the first Majority Leader in history to lose a primary, and Brat said Cantor’s embrace of amnesty and Brat’s opposition to it was the “most symbolic issue that captures the differences between myself and Eric Cantor in the race.”

“It captures the fissures between Main Street and Wall Street,” Brat said of the push for amnesty during an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity on Tuesday.

Brat said it is clear that Republicans want to pass amnesty legislation for the Chamber of Commerce so big business “can get cheap labor and lower wages for everyone else.”

“The American people know that the country is headed in the wrong direction,” he said. “Representation in D.C. won’t address the major issues.”


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