Dinesh D’Souza to Adam Carolla: Obama Views Taliban As “Freedom Fighters” (Video)

“This is a very strange guy we’ve put into the White House. And I don’t think the American people knew that. This is why, unlike Dennis Miller, I’m not down on the American people. I think Obama sold them a bill of goods, and because of the press, six years later, we’re sitting in the dark. But we’re waking up. “

CALLER: I wanted to get your opinion on the five terrorists that we traded for one shady soldier there. How it plays into how you say America is kind of losing our standing in the world as the superpower.

ADAM CAROLLA: You know what I’d like to know from someone as educated and thoughtful as you: Why would we and/or Obama do that in the face of what is going to be a storm of bad publicity. It was flying under everyone’s radar, and now it’s on everyone’s radar. And it’s not a good thing. Why Would you do that? I said it’s the second term thing. I don’t think you do it in the first term.

DINESH D’SOUZA: Yeah, but I don’t think they… I think this is a case where we have to make a big difference here. There’s a difference between incompetence and… which, incompetence is sort of defined by Jimmy Carter, so let me give an example. Jimmy Carter yanked the Persian rug out from under the Shah, and whoops, he got Khomeini. This is called being a nincompoop. Trying to get rid of the bad guy, and you end up with the worse guy. It’s because Carter didn’t know that. Carter was a fool. Obama is not a fool.


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