Judicial Watch Sues DOJ On Behalf of Fast and Furious Whistleblower John Dodson Over Document Stonewalling

Dodson was the first whistleblower to go public about Operation Fast and Furious in early 2011 and his life has been hell since. He wrote a book about the scandal, The Unarmed Truth: My Fight to Blow the Whistle and Expose Fast and Furious, which was published late last year.

Government watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice on behalf of Operation Fast and Furious whistleblower John Dodson after his own FOIA requests were ignored.

In June 2012, Fortune Magazine writer Katherine Eban published a 5,000 word hit-piece on Dodson. The piece was thoroughly denounced by the House Oversight Committee for being grossly false. Dodson sent a letter through his attorney to Fortune Magazine Managing Editor Andrew Serwer demanding a retraction and accused the media outlet of parroting Department of Justice talking points. A reminder:

As you are likely aware, the Justice Department Inspector General has now issued his exhaustive report about Operation Fast and Furious (the “IG Report”). Given its findings, it is clear that Ms. Eban’s purported finding of “the truth” was far from it, and in fact is demonstrably false in many respects. A retraction is in order to correct the record.


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