Video: D’Souza Reacts to Campaign Finance Plea on “The Kelly File”

When asked about the possibility of selective prosecution, he expressed concern, “You don’t want to have a country in which Lady Justice has one eye open and she winks at her friends and then gives the evil eye to her enemies.”

Dinesh D’Souza joined Megyn Kelly for The Kelly File on FOX News Tuesday night. Earlier in the day, he faced a judge in lower Manhattan.

Tonight on The Kelly File, D’Souza explained, “I was facing two charges, Megyn. The first one was exceeding the campaign finance limits. The second one was causing the Election Commission to file a false report, and that second charge carried a maximum of five years in prison. So what happened today is that I pleaded guilty to the charge of exceeding the campaign finance limits and the government agreed to drop the second charge.”

When Kelly point blank asked D’Souza why he made contributions that violated the law, he said, “I wanted to help [Wendy Long]. I just chose the wrong and stupid way to do it. I shouldn’t have done it. And I’m taking responsibility for it.”

D’Souza will forge ahead with his work, “I feel that I have a powerful message. The message of our film America that comes out in a month is the issue of justice. Very often as conservatives we tout ‘liberty,’ but when you go back and read the Declaration of Independence, it’s an indictment of the justice of the Crown. Liberty for the American founders was a solution to the problem of justice. So, justice is at the center of our film.”


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