Mark Levin ‘Renames’ the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Video)

“It is the Chamber of Crony Capitalism. They like laws that benefit them. They like laws that harm their competition. That’s not capitalism! Call it what you will, it is not capitalism. “

U.S. Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Tom Donohue

This week U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue gave the Republican Party an ultimatum and threat, either pass amnesty or don’t even bother fielding a presidential candidate in 2016.

Popular conservative talk show host, constitutional scholar, and best selling author Mark Levin responded to Donohue in his usual sharp-tongued fashion (Listen Below), blasting Donohue and taking the liberty to “rename” the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism.

Levin called Donohue an actual enemy of “hard-working Americans” for his stance on amnesty, which the Chamber craves for the flood of low labor costs that would result:

This group he heads, the Chamber of Commerce, it’s not the Chamber of Commerce, it’s the Chamber of Crony Capitalism. That’s why I’ve done us all a favor and changed their name. It’s not the Chamber of Free Market Capitalism. It’s not the Chamber of Individual Liberty. It’s not the Chamber of Private Property Rights. It’s not the Chamber of Pro-Private Sector.


Complete text linked here.

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