Sharyl Attkisson: Journalists Ignoring Benghazi ‘Won’t Be Viewed Kindly By History’ (Video)

But, she noted, “there’s just a lot of pressure not to come forward, a lot of fear about doing so. Fear of careers, fear of a lot of things.”

Obama and Hillary’s lies on Benghazi are about to become big problems for them!

Via the Daily Caller:

Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson claimed that journalists now ignoring Benghazi “won’t be viewed kindly in a neutral view of history down the road.”

Attkisson spoke on Friday with Fox News’ Greta van Susteren about the story, which exploded this week after new documents revealed White House involvement in politicizing talking points after the attack — actions the Obama administration had always denied.

Attkisson claimed that in the wake of this disclosure, military officials with insider knowledge of the attack and its aftermath are considering coming forward with new information.


Complete text and video linked here.

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