SPLC Launches Hysterical Attack on Critics of UN Agenda 21

“Agenda 21, a nonbinding United Nations global sustainability plan signed by the United States more than 20 years ago, is being used by extremists and mainstream politicians to stoke fears and stifle rational policymaking across the country,” the SPLC claimed in a summary of its “Special Report” posted online. Of course, the scheme was not “signed by the United States,” much less ratified by the U.S. Senate as required; it was merely signed by then-President George H.W. Bush.

The self-styled “civil rights” organization Southern Poverty Law Center, which despite mounting controversy maintains some links to government agencies, released a bizarre and factually challenged screed attacking critics and opponents of the deeply controversial United Nations plot known as Agenda 21. Apparently unfamiliar with the definition of basic words such as “conspiracy” and “theory,” or with the UN plan itself, the SPLC also lashed out at “activist groups,” “mainstream politicians,” voters, “extremists,” and others who question or oppose the UN agenda for what it calls “sustainable development” in the United States.

In mid-April, the largely discredited group released a “Special Report” entitled “Agenda 21: The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory.” The document tries to link opposition to the international “sustainable-development” schemes to the so-called “right-wing.” However, even in Alabama, where the SPLC is based, that discredited talking point has been exposed as ridiculous. Consider, for example, the fact that every single member of the state legislature, including all Democrats, voted in 2012 for a law to protect private property by officially banning UN Agenda 21.


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