Judge Jeanine skewers ex-CIA chief over Benghazi: ‘You sold your soul’ (Video)

“Mr. CIA,” Pirro said, her voice dripping with distaste, “you didn’t just sell your agency to the politics of the Obama re-election campaign and the cover-up for the Hillary 2016 campaign, you sold your soul – and you perjured yourself for money.”

Judge Jeanine Pirro went on a blistering tear Saturday, skewering former CIA Director Michael s congressional testimony about the 2012 Benghazi attack.

A former CIA analyst told Pirro the scandal had damaged the agency’s future effectiveness in Washington.

Pirro criticized Morrell for insisting that his editing of the Central Intelligence Agency’s report about the attack was “not political.” Removing the word “Islamic” in describing the attackers was an attempt to shield the Obama White House, Pirro countered.

It was also an attempt to protect the future political aspirations of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Fox News host said.


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