35 ‘Acts of Love’ (Video)

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush insisted that many of the instances of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. were “acts of love.” Though many of the human beings who enter the U.S. illegally or overstay their legally permitted time in the U.S. are doing so to earn more resources and provide for families, many of the illegal immigrants who come into the U.S. are doing so for highly criminal reasons–a fact often left out of the discussion or otherwise barely mentioned.

Breitbart Texas has provided 35 of these other “acts of love” for our readers.

1. Mexican Cartel Assassin Confirmed 11 Kills on US Soil, Confessed to More Jose Manuel Martinez, a Mexican cartel assassin, had at least 11 confirmed kills. He is originally from Mexico but obtained legal status in the U.S.

2. Illegal Immigrant Allegedly Tried to Kill Texas Border Agent An illegal immigrant fought with a U.S. Border Patrol agent and allegedly attempted to take the agent’s gun and kill him. The illegal immigrant allegedly attempted to choke the agent as well.

3. Previously-Deported Illegal Alien Convicted of Child Human Trafficking An illegal immigrant operated a stash house in Houston, Texas containing two children and 24 others. The victims were held hostage in the underwear, occupying locked rooms with boards over the windows. Authorities described the living conditions in the home as ‘deplorable’.”


Complete text linked here.

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