Learn from Motorcity’s economic suicide by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent goes to bat for Michigan taxpayers pols want to bail out Detroit.

Call 911. You are being fleeced and robbed.

Irresponsible Fedzillacrats on both sides of the aisle have systematically put us in the poor house due to maniacal borrowing and unsustainable spending, which ultimately leads to crushing debt and likely inflation.

The national debt stands today at roughly $17.5 trillion and is increasing at roughly $2.5 billion each day. With 310 million people in the country, each of us – every man, woman and child—owes $55,000.

If that’s not ugly enough, the Heritage foundation estimates that a child born in 2014 will be on the hook for $142,000 when he or she reaches age 24.

Factoring in the “off the table” federal debt of the estimated $70 trillion in unfunded liabilities, what we have is something so huge that the number is literally incalculable.

That’s just the national debt.

Numerous cities are also deep in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. This is largely due to unsustainable pension deals provided to unionized city employees. Feeding the pension beast is bleeding cities dry and putting them on the path of insolvency.


Complete text linked here.

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