Occupy founder calls on Obama to appoint Eric Schmidt ‘CEO of America’

Justine Tunney, a Google software engineer, is demanding that the tech industry take over the US government.

One of the co-founders of the Occupy Wall Street movement has called on Barack Obama to resign as president, and “appoint Eric Schmidt CEO of America”.

Justine Tunney, a self-styled “champagne tranarchist”, is now a software engineer at Google, but remains involved with Occupy Wall Street, through the occupywallst.org website, which she created.

In the petition, which currently has two signatures (a far cry from the 195,000 who follow the Occupy Wall Street twitter account Tunney started in 2011), she calls on Obama to arrange a national referendum to:

Retire all government employees with full pensions.
Transfer administrative authority to the tech industry.
Appoint Eric Schmidt CEO of America.


Complete text linked here.

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