President Touts ObamaCare Before Screening ‘Cesar Chavez’ – ‘Sí, Se Puede’

President Barack Obama tried to connect labor rights leader Cesar Chavez with his own struggle to get his agenda across during a screening of a film celebrating Chavez’s legacy.

Obama’s latest White house movie screening featured Cesar Chavez, starring Michael Pena as the union champion.

Cesar himself said that he spent his first 20 years working as an organizer without a single major victory,” Obama continued. “But he never gave up. He kept on going, and the world is a better place because he did. And that’s one of the great lessons of his life. You don’t give up the fight no matter how long it takes. No matter how long the odds, you keep going, fueled by a simple creed — sí, se puede.

The president then tried to link Chavez’s work with the battle to convince Americans that ObamaCare is a good deal and so is “comprehensive immigration reform.”

We’ve got to keep working to fix our broken immigration system. This is an example of where this is hard, but we’ve made progress and we are going to get this done. This is going to happen. It’s not a matter of if, just a matter of when. And I want it to happen now, so we are going to keep on pushing.

Original source.

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