Victory: Idaho Legislature Votes to Nullify Federal Gun Control

The bill, which contains an “emergency” provision that means it would go into effect immediately, would make new federal gun control laws “nearly impossible to enforce” in Idaho, according to Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.

All across the country, we’re seeing states begin to fight back against federal overreach. States are using nullification, a method of undermining federal law by preventing state resources to go towards its enforcement, as a way to effectively gut the unconstitutional measures passed by Congress.

This is happening with policies like Obamacare, NDAA, and federal gun control. Idaho’s legislature just joined the fray to push back against future federal gun control measures by unanimously passing a bill that would prevent the state’s officers from going towards the enforcement of any measure that would disarm the citizenry.


Ben Swann reports:

Wednesday night the Idaho state House passed a bill which would effectively nullify future federal gun laws by prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, a firearm accessories or ammunition. The vote was 68-0. It previously passed the state Senate by a vote of 34-0, and will now go to the Governor Otter’s desk for a signature.


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