Numbers USA’s Rosemary Jenks: Politicians Bribed – Amnesty is War on American Workers

Jenks declared, “That is war on the American workers. We need to hold them accountable for waging war on us because that is what they did. Jenks characterized the motivation on the Democrat side for the attack on America is “cheap votes. If you don’t have a big enough voter base, import it.”

“Uninvited ll” national security forum, those left out of the CPAC convention across the street for various reasons, get their turn to speak.

On Thursday, one of those to speak was Rosemary Jenks, Numbers USA’s Director of Government Relations. She included in her remarks a quote from Teddy Roosevelt who said, “If the farmer and the wage worker are well off, it is absolutely certain that all others will be well off.

Ms Jenks is one of the nation’s top experts on immigration and she stated in the most clear of terms that the elite, permanent political class in Washington DC has declared war on the American workers. Their current weapon of choice is a push for broad-reaching amnesty paired with reckless, accelerated legal immigration, flooding our workforce with guest workers.

Jenks characterized America as having “gone far astray” from that quote of Roosevelt as evidenced by the fact that the reduction in unemployment is due to people simply giving up. Deceptive accounting measures also remove chronic-unemployed persons from the workforce calculations.


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