Globalists and Gangs Back Marxist Mass-murderer in El Salvador

The Salvadorian mass-murderer’s fondness for other socialist tyrants and his militant anti-Americanism are, of course, well known. In 2001, after the September 11 attacks, Sánchez Cerén even led a mob celebration and U.S. flag burning ceremony as Americans mourned the loss of thousands of innocent civilians. Now, he wants to consolidate power, smash the opposition, and rule El Salvador like his mentor Castro oppresses the people of Cuba.

With brazen backing from the globalist establishment, socialist despots, as well as U.S. and international crime syndicates, “former” communist-terrorist “commander” Salvador Sánchez Cerén of the Obama administration-subsidized FMLN appears set to win the presidency in El Salvador’s upcoming runoff election this weekend. If he wins, as is widely expected based on recent polls, the mass-murderer — a close ally of the communist Castro regime in Cuba — will become the latest ex-Marxist guerrilla to lead a U.S. taxpayer-funded Latin American national government.

As The New American magazine has documented extensively, the region is already dominated by a closely knit network of foreign-backed socialist tyrants. However, critics of the Salvadorian party’s history of violence and mass-murder, as well as its radical future plans for the nation, are sounding the alarm. Communists around the world, including the Communist Party USA, on the other hand, are already celebrating their latest anticipated victory in the ongoing subjugation of Latin America.


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