Malkin: Face It, Obamacare for Illegal Immigrants is Inevitable

“You knew it was coming.”

Responding to the news this week of Oregon “accidentally” enrolling nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants in Obamacare, Michelle Malkin took the moment to highlight what she argues we all know was inevitable: Illegal immigrants will get a piece of the Obamacare pie.

You knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. When government expands entitlements, illegal aliens always end up with a piece of the pie. Obamacare promoters relented to GOP pressure to include an illegal alien ban on eligibility and vowed endlessly that no benefits would go to the “undocumented.” But denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. It’s the Obama way.

Malkin points to Oregon’s admission that nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants were “accidentally” steered from the low-income Medicaid program to Obamacare, violating federal law. But while the state claims the enrollment was a mistake they are in the process of correcting, Malkin notes that this can’t be ascribed to a “one-time” computer glitch, since Oregon’s exchange website is offline:

This wasn’t a one-time computer meltdown. Because Oregon’s health insurance exchange website has been offline and its software architects under investigation for possible fraud, the Oregon Obamacare drones have been processing each and every application manually. That means nearly 4,000 illegal alien applications with “inaccurate” data somehow passed through government hands and somehow ended up getting routed through as new enrollees with Obamacare-approved full-service health care.


Complete text linked here.

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