Secret Agenda: Obama Presses North American Union (and TPP, TTIP) With Mexico, Canada

The TPP represents the latest attempt of the globalists in the Washington ruling elite to greatly expand the power and reach of 20-year-old NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. Following the example of the European Union, they are pursuing a twin path of “broadening and deepening.”

President Obama’s February 19 meeting in Toluca, Mexico, with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (right) and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto (center) did not produce any big, headline-grabbing breakthroughs, but that does not mean that it didn’t lay new ground for political and economic integration of the three nations. In fact, in their Joint Statement issued at the conclusion of the summit, the three leaders affirmed their commitment to a number of initiatives, many of which are already far developed, including approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the “trade” agreement that is stirring widespread opposition in all three countries.

The controversial TPP is evoking broad-spectrum hostility particularly because of the total secrecy under which it has been crafted; while the American public and even the U.S. Congress have been kept from seeing the text, privileged corporations and NGOs have been given full access to the negotiated documents. The portions of the agreement that have been publicly leaked have confirmed that it poses a serious threat to national sovereignty, both from international institutions (such as the United Nations and the WTO) as well as multi-national corporations. The Joint Statement unequivocally endorses the TPP, declaring:

We seek to set new standards for global trade through the prompt conclusion of a high standard, ambitious, and comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership.


Complete text linked here.

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